Possums Room
The educators in our Possum’s room care for children aged between 6 weeks to 2 years. They provide a ratio of 1 educator to 4 children and can care for up to 20 babies.
Over 30 Years Experience in the childcare and development sector
Joeys Room
The educators in our Joey’s room care for children aged between 2 years to 2 years and 10 months. They provide a ratio of 1 educator to 5 children and can cater for up to 15 children.
Purpose built play areas for your childs growth and education
Kangaroos Room
The educators in our Kangaroo’s room care for children aged between 2 years and 10 months to 3 years and 8 months. They provide a ratio of 1 educator to 5 children for those children that are under 3 and a 1 educator to 11 children for those that are 3 and above. This room has enough floor space to cater for up to 15 children.
Fully skilled staff and teachers to get your child ready for primary school
Kookaburras Room
The educators in our Kookaburra’s room care for children aged between 3 years and 8 months to 12 years of age. They provide a ratio of 1 educator to 11 children and can cater for up to 30 children.