Welcome to ‘Woodleigh’ Loxton District Children’s Centre
About Us
Loxton District Children’s Centre “Woodleigh” is a community-based children’s service located in the heart of Loxton. We are licensed for 80 children and provide care between the hours of 6:30am – 6:00pm to families and children from the town and surrounding districts.
Our service provides quality care, an education and enriched program and ensures families and children feel a sense of belonging and are valued throughout their time here. The children have the opportunity to learn, develop and grow to their full potential, whilst being in a fun-filled, play-based and educational environment.

We support children’s learning by providing a play-based curriculum which provides a balance between child-led, child initiated, and educator supported. We believe all children have the right to be cared for in a nurturing, safe and caring environment which caters for their individual needs and assists in developing their sense of belonging.
The service was issued with an Exceeding National Quality Standard Rating, in all seven Quality Areas in December 2016.
- QA1: Educational Program and practice
- QA2: Children’s health and safety
- QA3: Physical environment
- QA4: Staffing arrangements
- QA5: Relationships with children
- QA6: Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
- QA7: Leadership and service management

Our Rooms
The indoor facilities include 4 aesthetically pleasing rooms, possums, joeys, kangaroos and kookaburras. These rooms are natural, provide natural light and consist of spaces where activities and experiences are provided each day.
Our age groups fluctuate and may change throughout the year, depending on the centre and children’s needs. This decision is made by the leadership team and communicated with families via email.
We have two large outdoor yards which are shared between the rooms which both consist of two large shade sails. The Possums and Joeys share one space which has recently been re-developed and made into a natural play-space. In this yard, they have access to a large lawn area, mud kitchen, large sandpit, woven hut and much more!
The Kangaroos and Kookaburras share the other space, which is spacious and continually evolving. This yard consists of large-grassed area, areas that support gross motor development and challenge, two sets of swings, sand and mud pit, vegetable garden, cubby house, bamboo hut and chickens. We offer a range of loose parts, which allows the children to explore and use their imagination.
Age: 6 weeks to 2 years
Ratio: 1 educator to 4 children
The educators in our Possum’s room care for children aged between 6 weeks to 2 years. They provide a ratio of 1 educator to 4 children and can care for up to 20 babies.
Age: 2 years to 2 years 10 months
Ratio: 1 educator to 5 children
The educators in our Joey’s room care for children aged between 2 years to 2 years and 10 months. They provide a ratio of 1 educator to 5 children and can cater for up to 15 children.
Age: 2 years 10 months to 3 years 8 months
Ratio: 1 educator to 5 children (under 3 years)
1 educator to 11 children (3 years and above)
The educators in our Kangaroo’s room care for children aged between 2 years and 10 months to 3 years and 8 months. They provide a ratio of 1 educator to 5 children for those children that are under 3 and a 1 educator to 11 children for those that are 3 and above. This room has enough floor space to cater for up to 15 children.
Age: 3 years 8 months to 12 years
Ratio: 1 educator to 11 children
The educators in our Kookaburra’s room care for children aged between 3 years and 8 months to 12 years of age. They provide a ratio of 1 educator to 11 children and can cater for up to 30 children.